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Ephriam Zuroff visits Perth

Tonight a respectable crowd heard an even more respectable address from Ephriam Zuroff, internationally recognised pursuer of justice who tracks and assists the prosecution of Nazi war criminals.

Mr Zuroff noted many important points, stressing that age does not diminish the severity of a crime and that Australia has a particularly poor record of having brought not a single alleged war criminal to justice. 

Perth is the focus of attention at the moment due to an appeal on the Zentai case, which has been frustrated by the inability of the Australian justice system to enforce a request for extridition by the Hungarian Government.  The media coverage, which has been sympathetic to Mr Zentai, has not provided the necessary background to understand both the significance and importance of this case.  Whilst the circus that is the Australian court system continues to attempt to buy enough time for Mr Zentai to die of natural causes so it does not have to enforce a decision, an alleged criminal continues to avoid being brought to account.  Mr Zuroff provided the background information relating to this case.  He outlined the very strong evidence which exists, which is the basis of the Hungarian decision to seek extradition in order to prosecute.  All of those people who reside locally and defend Mr Zentai’s “right to be left in peace” are no doubt unfamilar with the full story and strength of the allegations behind the charge. 

Mr Zuroff is an outstanding person who achieves remarkable results with very limited resources.  The Jewish world owes him a debt of gratitude for the work that he does to ensure that the perpetrators that were complicit in the genocide of the Shoah will not rest easy, either in this world, or the next.

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