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Perth's Real Jewish News

“We Leave Nobody Behind”

Some special visitors to Perth this weekend provided some much needed optimism and positive energy.  Our visitors were the most inspiring and heroic Israeli representatives to visit Perth for some time, and they will return to Israel having accomplished far more than simply delivering “chizzuk” to the Perth Jewish community. 

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A Puzzling Inclusion by The West

In July 2023 the West Australian Newspaper published a politically motivated  crossword question with Question 59 being An Occupied Middle Eastern Country.  To assist with the answer it was a 9 letter word beginning with P. Representation was made a number of individuals to the West that the matter of

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Never Again Situation Update

With an avalanche of electronic communication and information overload, I thought it worth sharing a small slither of what is sitting on my screen today. Media Bias Like many other local Jewish people, I have a stream of social media and news clips that reach me on a daily basis,

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Book reflection: in bad faith

Whatever you are doing now, please stop, jump online, and order a copy of the book “in bad faith” by Dassi Ehrlich which was released for sale last week.  Prepare to read the story of how she was abused, and contemplate the public contour that she had to navigate to

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UNRWA – UNmasked, UNacceptable and UNtenable

Although the International Council of Justice did not outright dismiss the shameful libel of genocide brought by South Africa, it also has not as yet stopped Israel in its pursuit of terrorists by demanding a ceasefire.  What has emerged from the case coincides with the conclusive evidence submitted by Israel

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The Destruction of Trust

Summer in Australia is all about holidays, time with family, relaxing and watching cricket. Lucky for us Aussies, we get to choose between test, one day and Big Bash formats. Besides stirring up division in the world of cricket Big Bash League has brought us a shortened form of entertainment

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Online Censorship of Israel Advocacy

The scaling-up of media bias, the brazen publication of distorted news and outright lies have crossed new lines.  Photos shared thousands of times are often “deep fakes” generated by AI, or simply library photos from events that have nothing to do with reports.  Accusations that journalists are targeted by Israel

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Zot Chanukah

The eighth day, the culmination of Chanukah, derives its name from the Torah reading זֹ֣את חֲנֻכַּ֣ת הַמִּזְבֵּ֗חַ where the gifts of the tribal leaders are announced.  More mystically, the eighth day of a festival transcends a worldly or natural order, represented by the wholeness and limitation of seven units.  Examples include

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Morenu Harav Shalom Coleman מורנו הרב

Tonight was a very special night in the history of the Perth Jewish Community, indeed for all Australian and world Jewry. Rabbi Shalom Coleman is Australia’s most senior Rabbi. At the spritely age of 105 he celebrated his birthday. He still leads a remarkably active and fulfilling life.  In recent

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