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Perth's Real Jewish News

Penny Wong is wrong

This morning on ABC’s Insiders program, Senator Penny Wong said that “how Israel defends itself matters” and that “when we affirm Israel’s right to defend itself, what we are also saying is Israel must comply and observe with international humanitarian law.” Ms Wong, can you please give an example of

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Lets do the time warp again

If I had been asked earlier in the year what I would be writing about in November 2023 for Jewgle Perth, most likely the answer would have been some burning local community issue. There are many possible topics, the ineffectiveness of the JCC, availability of kosher staples e.g. cheese and

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And Nothing But The Truth

For the first day or two following the 7 October pogrom in southern Israel, there was much media coverage showing the grief, shock and outrage in Israel.  Within days the coverage became sanitised, with some of the footage so disturbing it was removed.  Then as soon as Israel announced its

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Bring Them Home

Today Perth’s small Jewish community and its supporters staged a rally in the cultural precinct of central Perth calling for the release of hostages. Not remarkable, and similar to those staged in other cities around Australia. There was a simple message: Bring Them Home Israel did not want this war.

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Political Over Reach

Historically in Australia Foreign policy is always officially conducted by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the PM, and not by Senators. Daniel Andrews attempted to interfere with foreign policy when Premier of Victoria. Twiggy Forest had a crack too, when China introduced punishing tariffs on many Australian products. Political

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People Love Dead Jews

I’m not afraid to speak out.  But I am speaking out because I am afraid.  I am afraid of the scenes of anti-Semitism that are openly expressed online and in the streets of Australia by supporters of a terrorist organisation.  People Love Dead Jews A confronting book by Dara Horn

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A Real Time Blood Libel Unfolds

Who can sleep at a time like this when a real time blood libel has started against the State of Israel? During the night reports started to come through of a missle strike on a Gaza hospital. My first thought was that Hamas operatives may have been storing weapons, or

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No, Our Students are Not OK

Last week Prime Minister Anthony Albanese issued a statement that said hateful prejudice has no place in Australia and that his Government was committed to keeping the Jewish community safe. That same day my friend’s daughter came home from the University of Western Australia with a pamphlet from the student

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Bad policy versus good policy

The governing elite and their backers in Australia could certainly use some help. The citizens of this country voted an emphatic “No” to The Voice on the weekend. Were the citizens of this country voting against a constitutional voice or did they finally wake up weeks ago and realise the

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The Perth Connections

How has the Hamas war impacted the Jewish Community in Perth?  This question has been asked of many of us since the start of this horrendous week. The Jewish world is small.  There are more than 10,000 Australian citizens in Israel, many more migrants, with a disproportionally high number from

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