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Perth's Real Jewish News

Foreign Policy Doublespeak

What do politicians really mean when they make proclamations of support for Israel ? Is it hypocrisy wrapped in righteousness ? Find out in the best summary around from our beloved leaders and their sycophant supporters.

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Responding to Inhumanity with Humanity

Today we have seen images that should no person should have to see.   There is seemingly no escape from the inhumanity of murdering, hostage taking, maiming, raping and caging innocent people.  Yet at the same time there is so much humanity.  So amidst the absolute horror of the past two

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Israel is under attack – From Hamas and the Media

Yesterday the Jewish community of Perth were celebrating our Sabbath and the culmination of our annual festivities.  Then, in a fleeting moment our joy was interrupted by news that Israel had been attacked and that war had been declared by Israel’s Prime Minister against Hamas. Suddenly our emotions were shattered. 

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The Royal show is on again in Perth and if your FOMO meter is peaking, but you don’t have enough time to get there because you spend all your time searching for kosher cheese check out these alternative showbags. JCC WA $10 Low on substance and credibility but high on

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Where are the Safeguards for Australian Foreign Aid?

Tomorrow, as we celebrate Yom Kippur, we also mark the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War.  There is a theory that fifty years needs to transpire between an event and the unfolding of its complete impact on history.  However modern Zionist history recognised and internalised many of the lessons

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Reflections for Rosh Hashana

Here are some of the learnings and thoughts that I am taking into the Jewish new year that will start at sunset this evening. Bringing Teshuva throughout the year The Talmud teaches us there are four Rosh Hashanot in the Jewish calendar. The first is in Nissan, with a national

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Jews for Cheeses

Some ideas start out as a satirical attempt to lighten up a pessimistic situation, then as more information comes to light you realise the longer term implications for our community are more serious than initially thought. At the street level you buy your food and grocery’s from the retailer. Every

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A voice for the Perth Jewish Community

The Jewish Community Council of WA would be perceived by many as biased in pursuing they’re ever expanding woke agenda. The latest episode is the upcoming Voice debate, which is more interesting for what it doesn’t mention. All the promotional questions are neutral giving the event an air of respectability until

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Open Letter to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese

Dear Mr Albanese Last year you wrote an open letter to the Australian Jewish Community for Yom Haatzmaut in which you said “No matter which party is in power here, Israel will have Australia’s friendship and support.  As leader of the Australian Labor Party, I can tell you that you

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