Perth's Real Jewish News
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Perth's Real Jewish News

The Autocorrect Seder

This year I present my annual Pesach composition of the 5782 Autocorrect Seder: Happy Peach.  Here we are at the sadder table with the whole mishap-cha.  I’m sitting next to the murder in law, waiting for the kishdish and the taste of the bread of eviction. Ur-klutz – the klutz

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The Anti Vaxxers Haggadah

Each year I compose a satirical message for Pesach.  Following last year’s Carona Virus Haggadah, I present the Anti Vaxxers Haggadah for Seder 5781. Kadesh Time for the first of four cups of organic, sulphur free, manure based, biodynamic, unfiltered, sustainably produced, vegan, zero herbicide, non-synthetic, astrologically-informed, phenolic, naturally fermented,

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The Covid Haggadah

Each year I draft satirical prose for chaggim.  Perth was thrust into lockdown just before Pesach 5780 although the corona virus had already caused many other places to impose isolation. In the midst of the unknown I wrote this Covid haggadah spoof which went viral to many parts of the

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6 million problems and the Jewish Centre ain’t one

Everyone would agree that the current Jewish Centre needs to be demolished and rebuilt. For too long now it has been a representation of Perth from the 1980’s. Forty years on, the appearance is dated, it is not functionally usable or economically sustainable. With all the hoopla surrounding the recent

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Structure before Infrastructure

Congratulations to my fellow Jewgle blogger for fearlessly raising a topic of utmost importance. I’d like to share a further perspective. What attracted me to the Jewish community of Perth some 20 years ago, and remains as valid today, was the quality of the people in the community. The community

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Our Community Infrastructure

Without a doubt Perth is a very transient community. Riding the back of South African immigration in late 80’s and early 90’s, led to the expansion of the community and it’s institutions. The mining boom enabled further expansion of the community, with many young families joining the Perth tribe. In

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Turning Up for Yom Yerushaliem

It’s been some time since I was active in the blogosphere. I am of the view that if a person cannot constructively contribute then they should get out of the way of those who do. Constructive criticism fits the definition, and I end my blog hiatus on this mantra, by

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The Millenial Haggadah

Each year I draft satirical prose for chaggim.  This Millenial Haggadah was published for Pesach 5778 (2018) INTRODUCTION Welcome to our off the hook Passover Seder!  Nobody in this household is ever hungry, but come and eat anyway.  We set two extra places at our Seder, one symbolic for Eliyahu

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Do you live in Dullsville?

The self flagellating media of Perth often tag our City as “Dullsville”, and lament the conservative culture that is so resistant to change. They also note that the rapid increase in population, coupled with infrastructure development, a resources boom, and newfound confidence, that Perth is waking itself from its sleepy

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Putting meaning into Bar/Bat Mitzvah

When I was a young man who was about to have a Bar Mitzvah thrust upon me, I well remembers the influences of the occasion, both positive and negative.  I was fortunate to have teachers, including an Israeli shaliach who prepared me and who caused me to take an interest

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